The American Dream: Buying Your First Starter Home
These are a few questions you probably ask yourself when in the process of purchasing a home or refinancing your mortgage. Both are terms that get used often during the buying process, but most people may not know the biggest differences.
Let's start with appraisals. An appraisal is an opinion of value. During the homebuying and refinance process, a licensed appraiser comes to your home and determines a numerical value based on a number of factors. Its purpose is to protect both the lender and the buyer. The lender wants to be sure the home value is accurate and that they're comfortable lending you the money. Just like anyone, you wouldn't want to let someone borrow $200 when they only needed $180. In addition, if the loan defaults, the lender wants to know for sure it will get its money returned by reselling. It protects the buyer to make sure they pay the appropriate price for the home.
According to Business Insider, the four main parts of the home the appraiser looks at are the square footage, quality of building materials, current condition of the home, and what's nearby. Each of these factors play an important role in determining how much the home is worth. The appraisal also considers surrounding areas and homes alike and what's currently happening in the market.
Next, an inspection exists for homebuyers to make sure the space is in livable condition. If there is work that needs to be done prior to the purchase, that will be noted in the inspection report and possibly with a suggestion that it gets fixed immediately.
There are many parts of the home an inspector will review, such as the heating system, central air conditioning system, interior plumbing and electrical systems, roof/rain gutters, walls, attic, ceilings, floors, windows/doors, foundation, structural components, etc. Depending on how the report reads, a buyer might want to reach out to the seller and determine what may need to be done prior to purchase.
Now that you have an understanding of the purpose each serves, let's play myth or truth.